女高怪谈5:结伴自杀여고괴담 5 : 동반자살(2009)

又名:Whispering Corridors 5: Suicide Pact / A Blood Pledge


主演:刘信爱 孙恩书 吴涟序 张京雅 宋敏静 

导演:李宗容 / 编剧:李宗容 Jong-yong Lee





Plot Summary:Four friends make an oath sworn in blood to commit suicide one night, but the next morning only one is found lying dead on the school grounds. Rampant speculation about the nature of the incident races among the student body, but the three surviving friends are tight-lipped about any of the details. However, when the victim's sister begins searching for answers, the plot as well as the survivors begin to unravel. Even so, the reason for the suicide remains cloaked in mystery, but its true meaning revolves around a blood bond of another kind.
某教会女子高中,清纯美丽的女孩言珠(张京雅 饰)、尹素伊(孙银书 饰)、李幼珍(吴妍瑞 饰)、金恩英(宋敏静 饰)是同一年级不同班的好友,其中言珠与素伊更是亲密无间的死党。某晚,四个女孩许下“不能同生、但愿同死”的誓言,相约自杀。然而,最终只有言珠一人从生活关的顶楼跳下来。   事后,素伊她们相约保守秘密,既为了远离麻烦,也是为了避免因自杀失败而被同学嘲笑和鄙视。只是世上岂有不透风的墙?很快,她们曾和言珠相约自杀的消息便在同学中流传开来。另一方面,冥冥中似乎有个黑暗的魅影时刻逡巡在她们的身边。誓言岂可轻易许下?又怎能随便违背?
