短信El SMS(2015)

又名:The SMS


主演:Raphael Thome Pedro Loques 

导演:达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克 / 编剧:达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克 Dustin Lance Black





Plot Summary:How far would you go to protect your best friend's secret? In this promotional short film, a group of friends is spending some nice time having fun and playing video game. Part of this team, best buddies Rafael and Diego are teasing each other with their several talks while "fighting" each other in the game. But when one of them gets easily distracted and leaves the room, the other will check the friend's phone to see who is the person who keeps interrupting them from time to time. Then comes a unexpected revelation that will come as a test for these boys.
本片由凭借《米尔克》获奥斯卡最佳编剧奖的达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克执导,讲述几个南美男孩之间的秘密小故事,短信背后隐藏了真挚的友情和青涩的爱情。   短片由可口可乐公司(南美)赞助拍摄,属于该品牌的最新系列宣传片之一。
