霓虹凡心 第一季Kuntergrau(2015)

主演:Fabian Freistühler Daniel Kosic Marcel Meyer Kathleen Renish Moustafa Tarraf 

导演:Kai Kreuser / 编剧:Kai Kreuser

霓虹凡心 第一季:在线播放

霓虹凡心 第一季:最新迅雷BT资源

霓虹凡心 第一季:最新字幕下载

霓虹凡心 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In Kuntergrau, coming out is part of the past while sex and love is mundane. A group of five gay friends between 17 and 24 deals with everyday problems and experiences the meaning of love, sex, and friendship.
web series KUNTERGRAU focuses on the lifes of five young gay guys who experiencing love, sex and friendship.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWmbbXZL7Bk
