


导演:Erik Wernquist / 编剧:Erik Wernquist



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Wanderers.2014.Rus.mp4
2019-05-11 Wanderers.2014.Rus.mp4
2019-05-11 Wanderers.2014.Rus.mp4
2019-05-11 CWC 2014 - 5th Place Play-off - ES Setif vs Wester
2019-05-11 Wanderers.2014.Rus.mp4


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 漫游者 (简英双语高级字幕)Wanderers.2014.(HD).zh-CN&en-US.
2021-05-21 漫游者 (繁英双语高级字幕) Wanderers.2014.(HD).cht&eng.ass
2019-06-27 漫游者 (繁英双语高级字幕) Wanderers.2014.(HD).cht&eng.ass
2019-06-27 漫游者 (简英双语高级字幕)Wanderers.2014.(HD).zh-CN&en-US.
2019-05-12 Wanderers Short Film (HD).mp4
2019-05-12 漫遊行者 Wanderers.2014.(HD).英中 3分50秒


Plot Summary:Wanderers is a vision of humanity's expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. All the locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available. Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea with the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.
安定的生活让人舒适安心,却也使人倍感空虚和失落。纵使在地球上定居了上万年,他们的目光依然投向宇宙的深处。直到某天,地球的科技终于可以支持我们实现太空漫游的梦想,于是我们的足迹便遍布太阳系的各个角落。未来世界,火星、土卫八、木卫二已经接纳了诸多地球移民,殖民地灯光闪烁,点缀夜空。人类加工小行星,在其内部挖出柱状空隙,以便创造适宜居住的环境。土卫六成为飞行遨游的绝佳场所,天卫五成为蹦极爱好者的乐园,土星成为观光客必到的所在。你我的梦,就在不远的未来……   本片许多场景都根据外太空探测器发回的真实的照片加工而成。
