Plot Summary:Failed filmmaker Zachary Wells is convinced by his best friend and hotshot director Topher into replacing him as a judge in their film school's annual festival. Zach's one-night stand with a student backfires when that student walks into an interview the next morning calling himself Danny Reyes, the name Zach went by when he attended the school. And Danny's film, "Judas Kiss," is a finalist in the competition Zach is judging. Zach's film, also "Judas Kiss," won the festival years before. As Zach scrambles for answers, a mysterious, chain-smoking campus tour guide, counsels him: "Change the kid's past, change your future." But how? Zach comes to believe he can mend his life by disqualifying Danny from competition, putting him on a different path than Zach followed. But will Zach's plan work?
失意中年导演扎克(查理·大卫 Charlie David 饰)回母校“钥匙石”担任学生影展的评委,15年前他就因为夺冠而开始做导演梦,结果却被现实摔成了玻璃渣。扎克在评审前夜“不小心”睡了一个少年,而第二天面试名单里赫然就有这个叫丹尼(理查德·哈蒙 Richard Harmon 饰)的男孩!丹尼的处女短片“犹大之吻”是有力的竞选作品,巧合的是扎克当年得奖的电影也叫“犹大之吻”。随着两人的重合程度越来越高,扎克开始相信他是掉入了一个平行宇宙中。学长克里斯(肖恩·保罗·洛克哈特 Sean Paul Lockhart 饰)与校董儿子肖恩(蒂莫·德斯坎普司 Timo Descamps 饰)都迷恋着丹尼,而渴望成功的丹尼毫不介意用感情当敲门砖。扎克终于明白自己的今天源自昨天,他需要改变未来——通过改变丹尼的现在:这意味着他必须扼杀丹尼的导演梦...