旧罪的阴影Poirot: Elephants Can Remember(2013)

又名:悬崖迷案 / 大象的证词


主演:大卫·苏切 佐伊·沃纳梅克 凡妮莎·柯比 格列塔·斯卡奇 伊恩·格雷 

导演:约翰·史翠兰 / 编剧:阿加莎·克里斯蒂 Agatha Christie/尼克·迪尔 Nick Dear





Plot Summary:Ariadne Oliver is accosted by the unpleasant Mrs Burton-Cox, whose son Desmond has hopes of marrying Ariadne's beautiful goddaughter Celia Ravenscroft. But Mrs Burton-Cox will not give her blessings to the match until she learns the truth of the deaths of Celia's parents, who were found shot to death on the grounds of their estate a decade before. Were they murdered, or was it a suicide pact? If they were murdered, who shot whom? Despite being insulted by the woman's impertinence, Ariadne is nevertheless drawn to the cold case by curiosity, and resolves to find out the truth when she is persuaded by Celia herself. When she turns to Poirot for assistance, however, she finds him already preoccupied investigating the murder of an elderly psychiatrist who was the father of a personal friend. So Ariadne sets out to solve the Ravenscroft affair herself, with the mantra that 'elephants can remember' - no matter how much time has passed and how much people who were acquainted with the Ravenscrofts have aged, memories remain unchanged. However, the memories of the people Ariadne interviews are not as reliable as she has hoped, and soon the investigation takes a sinister turn when Desmond's life is threatened by an unknown entity. When Poirot realizes that his investigation is inextricably linked with Mrs Oliver's, the two join forces. With the help of a wigmaker, the evidence of a clever dog, and a French connection to the Ravenscroft case, Poirot is able to penetrate the fog of memory to uncover the truth of two long-ago deaths, and how that tragic story inspired the present-day killer whom he himself has been hunting.
赫尔克里·波洛伫立于崖顶。多年之前,这里发生了一起悲剧性的事故;更令人惊疑的是,随后又有一对夫妻双双陈尸于此——两人均中枪身亡。   可他们究竟死于何人之手?莫非是二人约定自杀?还是一时冲动犯罪?抑或残忍的谋杀?波洛回溯遥远的往事,走进旧罪那长长的阴影之中……
