劳拉的星星Lauras Stern(2004)



主演:Céline Vogt Sandro Iannotta Maximilian Artajo Brit Gülland Heinrich Schafmeister 

导演:Piet De Rycker / Thilo Rothkirch / 编剧:Alexander Lindner/Klaus Baumgart/Michael Mädel




Plot Summary:Laura is seven year old country girl, who's just moved along with her family to a city. On her first night in their top floor apartment, she sees a shooting star, actually falling to earth, she finds it in a park and discovers it's a living being. Taking it back home, she and her toddler brother Tommy discover it can do miracles like making people fly and bringing inanimate objects to life. But over time both notice that the longer it stays on earth, the weaker it becomes, can they along with next door neighbor Max find a way to send it back into outer space, before tragedy occurs?
劳拉(Céline Vogt 配音)是一名七岁的可爱小女孩,她跟随着一家人从风景宜人的乡间搬到了车水马龙的城市之中。尽管十分想念乡间闲散的生活和优美的风景,但是劳拉更想和家人在一起。入夜,月光静谧地倾洒在劳拉的脸庞上,对故乡的思念令劳拉无法入睡,她所幸爬上屋顶,观望夜空。   忽然,一个奇怪的小东西吸引了劳拉的注意,仔细一看,竟然是一颗星星,这颗星星因为少了一条腿,而从天空中跌落了下来。劳拉抱起了星星,将它带回家中照顾,紧接着,劳拉的生活因为星星的神奇魔法而发生了翻天覆地的变化。随着时间的推移,劳拉越来越力离不开星星了,可是,星星注定要回到属于它的夜空之中,离别近在眼前。
