北海巨妖Kraken Tentacles Of The Deep(2006)

又名:Deadly Water


主演:Victoria Pratt Jack Scalia 

导演:蒂波尔·塔卡克斯 / 编剧:阿布拉姆·考克斯 Abram Cox/Sean Keller/Nicholas Garland/Brian D. Young




Plot Summary:Thirty years ago, Ray Reiter witnessed the brutal death of his parents at sea by a strange, octopus-like creature. Now determined to exact revenge, he joins archaeologist Nicole on a perilous high-seas expedition to find a legendary Greek Opal - said to be guarded by the very beast that murdered his family. As they come face to face with the killer Kraken, they must also battle a ruthless crime lord, who will stop at nothing to seize the coveted treasure for himself.
三十年前, Ray Reiter 亲眼目睹了双亲被一只巨型章鱼杀死, 他戳瞎了章鱼的一直眼睛, 不过还是让那怪物逃走了. 现在,那只巨型章鱼又出现并袭击了一个寻找宝藏的探险小队. Ray Reiter 加入了这个小队, 希望再次碰上那怪物并亲手了结它.
