
又名:Dull Ice Flower


主演:黄坤玄 李淑桢 张瑞竹 陈松勇 陶德辰 林义雄 陈维欣 于寒 王美雪 

导演:杨立国 / 编剧:吴念真 Nien-Jen Wu/钟肇政 Chao-cheng Chung





Plot Summary:A young fine-art teacher Kuo is assigned to teach in a small-town. Ah-Ming, an eight-year-old painting genius, is in Kuo's class. Ah- Ming performed badly in school, but he has great sense of color and shape; his imagination is always unique. However, the poverty of his family prevents him from freely painting. Kuo is in charge of selecting representive for a painting competition. Kuo votes for Ah-Ming, but all other teachers choose the mayor's son for the school's and their own benefit. Kuo leaves the school as a proterting gesture. Ah-Ming is upset by losing the support of Kuo in his creating. He gets a sudden liver sickness and dies. After that, the school learns that Kuo send Ah-Ming's work to an international competition, and it wins the gold medal. The school realizes Ah-Ming's talent, but it is too late.
年轻气盛的美术老师郭云天(于寒)从大城市调到水城乡小学后,发现其它老师眼中的“坏学生”古阿明(黄坤玄)是个绘画天才,加上调查后得知古阿明家境贫困,郭云天开始对他照顾有加,时常为他不惜同其它老师发生冲突。   校长委托郭云天挑选一名美术选手代表学校参加比赛,郭云天力荐古阿明,遭到其它老师的反对,据理力争一番,郭云天终没抵过众人之口,心怀对古阿明的歉意带着他的一幅绘画离开了水城乡。而落选后的古阿明因为伤心外加营养长期不良,患上肝病不治身亡,不知他送给郭云天作纪念的那张画已为他赢得了世界性的荣誉。
