
又名:生命奇迹小狐狸 / 小狐狸海伦


主演:大泽隆夫 松雪泰子 深泽岚 小林凉子 

导演:河野圭太 / 编剧:竹田津实/今井雅子




日期 资源名称
2022-12-18 子狐物语


Plot Summary:Leaving school for the day, seven-year old Taichi finds a baby fox alongside a road in rural Hokkaido. The two bond, and Taichi decides to leave the fox with the police as a lost item. The policeman on duty takes a reluctant Taichi and the fox to the local Yajima Veterinary Clinic. It turns out that Taichi has begun to live with Ko, the vet, and his teenage daughter Misuzu after his free-spirited mother Ritsuko has gone to Micronesia to work as a photographer. Many people have abandoned animals with Ko, and paying customers are few with most of his income coming from frequently boarding a friendly dog that is almost part of the family. Taichi feels abandoned as well, and clashes with Ko when the vet sees the new arrival as a burden, especially after discovering that the fox is deaf and blind. However, Taichi names it Helen after Helen Keller and attempts to bring her back to full health while teaching her about the world as sort of a young Annie Sullivan. Even though Taichi gets her to eat, Helen suffers increasing fits stemming from her damaged brain.
经营“森林动物诊疗所”的兽医所长矢岛幸次(大泽隆夫 饰)是个内向且有些木讷的人,他早年丧妻,多年来与女儿美铃(小林凉子 饰)相依为命。幸次大学时的女友律子(松雪泰子 饰)是个工作狂热的摄影师,同时也是一位单身妈妈。某天,律子即将赶赴国外工作,临行前将独子太一(深泽岚 饰)寄养在幸次家里。   幸次原本正为和律子的关系而困扰,太一的到来更让他无所适从。不久,太一从野外捡回一只小狐狸。幸次发现,这个小家伙竟然患有严重的残疾。他原本希望太一扔掉这只没有生存希望的狐狸,但固执的男孩想尽办法,一定要将小狐狸治好,送归大自然和它母亲的身边……
