顾客是王손님은 왕이다(2006)

又名:客人是王 / The Customer Is Always Right


主演:成贤娥 明桂南 成志娄 李善均 

导演:吴基贤 / 编剧:西村京太郎 Kyôtarô Nishimura



日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 The.Customer.Is.Always.Right.2006.XviD.AC3.2CD-WAF



Plot Summary:Lee Jang-gil is a barber whose wife work as a insurance agent.through the flash back it is revealed that Lee Jang-gil wife is cheating on him and is having affair with her boss and other colleagues.it seem Lee Jang-gil is having good life but some hidden secret is hiding for which he is very worried. later an old man comes to his shop and begin blackmailing him for the hidden secret which he is hiding.what is the secret? Who is this old man and why is the old man blackmailing?All these are revealed in the end.
理发师安昌进(成志娄 饰)整日守着经营了三代的理发店,卖保险的妻子(成贤娥 饰)时常打扮的花枝招展约见客户,忍不住背后埋怨丈夫的木讷。对每个客人滔滔不绝的安昌进这天接到了一个自称“金扬齐”的人打来的电话,对方声称知道他不可告人的秘密,这引起了安昌进的警觉。原来不久前安昌进买春被骗,他在追骗子的过程中不慎发生了车祸……金扬齐很快找上门来,以车祸至人死亡来勒索安昌进。理发师在金扬齐的反复勒索中,很快欠下高利贷,并且发现妻子与金扬齐过从甚密,他们似乎另有隐情。安昌进买通私家侦探,欲用暴力手段使事情了结,不料情势更加恶化……
