



Plot Summary:"From the North" with warmth loving strokes, describing the love of family, love of humanity. Because his wife was having an affair and divorce blackboard Goro, with a son and daughter from Tokyo came idyllic life Furano, Hokkaido. They describe delicate film in the north of Furano of rural life and love , as well as into social work, married and have children from school. Despite all the disappointments characters life experiences and the reality that they can not control, but they can eventually overcome the adversity faced, more understanding of people and things around.
这是一部感人至深的制作,在日本很受欢迎,制作者每年推出一集,连续上演多年,而参加演出的演员阵容却没有变化,从而在艺术上实现了真实。在剧中扮演父亲的是日本著名的老演员田中邦 卫,曾经因为在《背叛》、《非凡的勇气》、《八墓村》等影视剧中的演出赢得了很好的声誉,而中国观众记忆最深的则是他在《追捕》中塑造的反派角色横路进二。在《北国之恋》中,他扮演的父亲朴实、勤劳、忠厚,为了一对儿女付出了一生的精力。在《北国之恋》中扮演兄妹的吉冈秀隆、中岛朋子都是从十岁起就开始参加该部电视剧的拍摄,可以说他们是随着这部电视剧长大的,当《北国之恋》最终封镜时,这对当年的童星也成了日本演艺界的名人。此外,在本剧中客串出演的有竹下景子、宫泽理惠等著名演员。
