
又名:好莱坞大律师 / 正义律师 / 公正

主演:维克多·加博 科尔·史密斯 伊默恩·沃克 丽贝卡·麦德 

导演:大卫·麦克纳利 / 编剧:Tonya Kong



日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【480p标清中文字幕】金牌律师 justice迅雷下载.2006.2.12gb.torrent
2019-05-11 [古装剧][金牌律师][39集全][MP4]
2019-05-11 金牌律师
2019-05-11 金牌律师 02.mp4
2019-05-11 黎姿制作 金牌律师



Plot Summary:Top-lawyer Ron Trott runs his own prestigious L.A. law firm, which offers first-rate criminal defense, charging top-dollar to the wealthy, guilty or innocent or civil party, or occasionally accepts a case for the publicity or for a friend. He has an elaborate team, mainly comprised of specialists, from detectives and ex-public prosecutor Luther Graves to various paralegals such as a specialist in jury-selection and psychology. However Trott has a bright right-hand, charming Tom Nicholson, who is likely to become at least as good a pleader, provided he can control one weakness Ron seems immune for: human feelings such as sympathy, sincere disgust or compassion can cloud the cool competitive killer-instinct to win at any cost to earn a king's ransom.
故事发生在位于大都市洛杉矶的一间高级律师事务所里,每天,无数的面孔出现在这里,不同性别不同肤色,但是他们有一个共同的特点——最近遇到了点或大或小的麻烦,而在事务所里坐镇的四位金牌律师,无疑是他们的救世主。   荣恩(维克托·加柏 Victor Garber 饰)是事务所里的镇山石,他以缜密的思维和出色的口才闻名于业界,常常活跃在公众的视线之中。汤姆(科尔·史密斯 Kerr Smith 饰)虽不及荣恩那样灵活善变,但其踏实肯干的性格令他成为了事务所里十分值得信任的存在。除此之外,卢瑟(伊默恩·沃克 Eamonn Walker 饰)独特的策略和埃尔顿(丽贝卡·麦德 Rebecca Mader 饰)高超的问询方法亦是事务所得以周转不可或缺的条件。在他们的眼里,没有正义或邪恶,只有失败与成功。
