
又名:Hwang Jin Yi

主演:河智苑 张根硕 金载沅 柳泰俊 金英爱 王光娜 全美善 李时焕 李仁慧 俞妍智 

导演:金哲圭 / 编剧:尹善珠/金卓焕



日期 资源名称
2021-08-25 【720p高清中文字幕】黄真伊迅雷下载.2006.1.41gb.torrent
2019-05-10 황진이720p 7-12MKV
2019-05-10 황진이720p 13-18MKV
2019-05-10 황진이 720p 19-24MKV



Plot Summary:Hwang Jin Yi (Ha Ji Won) is the illegitimate child of a noble and Heon Keum (Jun Mi Sun), a noted musician gisaeng. The story centers on the four men in her life and her pursue in the art of dancing. Her first love with a nobleman's son Kim Eun Ho (Jang Geun Suk) ends in tragedy. Her love affair with Kim Jung Han (Kim Jae Won) does not have a happy ending either. Byuk Kye Soo (Yoo Tae Joon) is the Emporer's relative who are obsessed with her and tried every trick but still could not have her. Finally there is her devoted bodyguard Yi Saeng (Lee Shi Hwan) who never deserted her in times of need. Meanwhile, there is Bu Yong (Wang Bit Na) who not only is Hwang Ji Yi's rival in dancing but also in love.
她是风华绝代的如花美眷,她是敢爱敢恨的率性女子,她就是名载史册的传奇女子黄真伊(河智苑 饰)。许是前缘注定,这个柔弱女儿重蹈母亲的老路,在松都教坊学遍琴棋书画,只为博得达官显贵轻薄一笑和万般欢宠。就在那天,贵族公子金恩浩(张根硕 饰)意外瞥见湖边的真伊,两个青年男女纯洁的心扉变为彼此开启。情意笃真,怎当得命运的洪流冲击。斯人已去,独守风尘的黄真伊转眼成为名冠京城的一代名妓。她洒脱不羁,任凭贵族和名士对她神魂颠倒,内心丝毫不为所动。许是仍在挂念那个早夭的初恋,又许是等待另一个知花护花的妙人。奇女子黄真伊,在时代的浪尖快意歌舞……   本片根据朝鲜历史上的传奇女子黄真伊的故事改编。
