雪之女王눈의 여왕(2006)

又名:Snow Queen

主演:玄彬 成宥利 刘仁英 高珠妍 林周焕 

导演:李亨民 / 编剧:Eun-hee Kim




Plot Summary:At 17, Tae Woong, a mathematical genius, meets two people. One becomes his best friend and the other, his love. Tae Woong's best friend, Kim Jeong Kyu, also classified as a genius, competes for academic accolades. After Tae Woong beats him in an international math Olympiad Jeong Kyu commits suicide. During this same time, Tae Woong meets a little girl who develops a crush on him. However, he loses touch with her without finding out her name. These tragic events take their toll on the rest of Tae Woong's life. At 25, eight years later, Tae Woong is now a third class boxer and in unexpected events, finds Bo Ra, the little girl he once knew. Although this winter will be very cold and scary, winter is not the end of the seasons, but the beginning of the hope for a greater love.
高中时代的韩太雄(玄彬 饰)和金正奎(李善皓 饰),二人即是对手,又是知己。正奎是公认的天才少年,恃才傲物,而太雄则是无意中被挖掘的璞玉。因一次误会,使对立的二人不打不相识,成为了好朋友。在这期间,太雄和一名性格古怪的少女结识,虽只是一面之缘却给太雄留下了深刻的印象。奥林匹克数学比赛,太雄夺冠,接受不了这个事实的正奎选择祝福太雄,而自己结束掉了生命。认为是自己害了正奎的太雄一蹶不振,改名为韩得九,继承了正奎的梦想,成为了一名拳击手。而与那位少女宝拉(成宥利 饰)的再度相遇则是八年后。背负着伤疤而活,周身冷冰冰的二人如同命定的相遇,融化了对方身上的雪,温暖了冰封已久的心。冬天到了,春天还会远吗?属于二人的春天就此来到。   本剧改编自安徒生的同名童话。
