饼干老师星星糖건빵선생과 별사탕(2005)

又名:馒头老师和棒棒糖 / 饼干老师与星星糖 / Hello My Teacher

主演:孔晓振 孔刘 崔如真 金多贤 吴允儿 

导演:吴钟录 / 编剧:朴计玉





Plot Summary:Na Bori is a 25-year-old woman who desperately wants to be a teacher at the high school she was kicked out of due misunderstanding with her teachers over injuring a group of male classmates. After getting her GED, she rejects job offers from other high schools and works on becoming a teacher at her old high school so she could work side by side with her high school love interest, the art teacher Ji Hyun Woo. However, the only thing that enables her to get the coveted job is by signing a contract to essentially babysit Park Tae In, a troublemaker, who attends the same high school. Tae In, a lonely youth, quickly becomes the "jjang", or "king" of the high school, and enjoys playing mean tricks on Bori whose easygoing personality attracts the majority of her students. Noh Jemma is jealous of the relationship between Bori and Tae In, and goes out of her way to get Bori kicked out but she's not the only one against them.
曾经的不良少女,如今的高校女教师,对于罗菩堤(孔孝珍 饰)而言,这就是她这几年的巨大转变。因为暗恋母校的老师池贤宇(金多贤 饰),菩堤下了苦工终于从师大毕业,阴差阳错又进入到了母校教书,希望和贤宇走的更近些;另一边,校长的儿子,问题儿童朴泰仁(孔侑 饰)被美国的学校开除,不得已进入到自己的学校就读。而菩堤意外和泰仁碰面,可谓不打不相识。   因为泰仁进入到母校当老师的菩堤起初受尽了学生的折磨,其中尤以泰仁为甚。但渐渐的,菩堤的真诚和体贴得到了学生们的认可,也让泰仁心生爱慕之情。可那一边,菩堤却与贤宇进展顺利……
