正在恋爱中지금은 연애중(2002)

又名:We Are Dating Now

主演:蔡琳 苏志燮 权相宇 金英爱 崔允英 李宜贞 金善花 

导演:宋一坤 / 编剧:尹成熙 Sung-Hee Yoon





Plot Summary:Ho-Jung is a cute, naive girl who often falls head over heals with the wrong guys. Both Ho-Jung and Kyu-In, her neighbor, are idealistic about love. They start off on the wrong foot and treats each other as if they were siblings, constantly fighting. Ho-Jung's friend Cha Hee has a thing for Kyu-In and Ho-Jung later realizes that she too has feelings for him. Ho-Jae, Ho-Jung's brother, is a player, who has good physical features. Things start to get complicated for Ho-Jae when he falls for Ho-Jung's friend Soo-Ji, who does not have a physical appeal but has a good personality and intelligence.
尹好真(蔡妍 饰)从小就对粗枝大叶的男生没有什么好感,然而,某日,她在溜冰场邂逅了一个名叫吴建宇的男孩,尹好真对善良单纯的吴建宇产生了好感,就在这个节骨眼上,尹好真的家庭遇到了变故,举家搬迁,她和吴建宇亦就此失散,了无音信。   之后,尹好真喜欢上了一位名叫韩在勇的男子,并主动表白出击,谁知道韩在勇早已经心有所属。尽管无法成为情侣,但韩在勇很显然已经把尹好真当做了朋友,这让尹好真的心情十分复杂。尹好真家楼上搬来了一位新的房客崔奎仁(苏志燮 饰),两人刚刚见面就闹得很不愉快,结下了梁子。随着时间的推移,渐渐熟识的尹好真和崔奎仁慢慢改变了对于彼此的印象。
