
又名:逆转之战 / Roosevelt Game

主演:唐泽寿明 檀丽 石丸干二 六角精儿 手塚通 儿岛一哉 山本亨 高桥和也 和田正人 槙田雄司 峰龙太 立川谈春 江口洋介 山崎努 香川照之 工藤阿须加 

导演:福泽克雄 / 棚沢孝義 / 田中健太 / 编剧:池井户润 Jun Ikeido/八津弘幸 Hiroyuki Yatsu/山浦雅大 Masahiro Yamaura/西井史子



日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【720p高清中文字幕】罗斯福游戏迅雷下载.2014.3.89gb.torrent


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 罗斯福游戏 逆转之战 Roosevelt Game NGB版简体版字幕
2019-05-12 罗斯福游戏 逆转之战 Roosevelt Game NGB版简体版字幕
2019-05-12 ルーズヴェルト・ゲーム


Plot Summary:Hosokawa Mitsuru is the company president of Aoshima Manufacturing, a medium-sized precision instrument maker caught in a crisis of survival due to the recession and intense competition with other companies in the industry. Hosokawa joined Aoshima Manufacturing mid-career. His ability was appreciated by the founder and chairman, Aoshima Tsuyoshi and he became the president through an unprecedented promotion. However, Hosokawa's promotion over all other executives who have been at Aoshima Manufacturing all their lives is greatly criticised by the people in the company. Shortly after he assumed his post, the world is plunged into a recession which has its roots in a financial crisis, and Aoshima Manufacturing is no exception. Its business falters. Hosokawa has to face the ordeal of betting on the company's survival as its president. How will he overcome life's greatest predicament?
中坚精密仪器生产商青岛制造所凭借独立开发的图像传感器实现销售额的攀升,但在逐步攀登辉煌顶峰的过程中,也遭遇前所未有的风暴。年轻有为的社长细川充(唐泽寿明 饰)在内饱受元老干部的质疑,在外则有贷款银行的刁难。雪上加霜的是,对手公司五轮电器勾结青岛制造所的客户Japanix 的社长诸田清文(香川照之 饰)对风雨飘摇的青岛制造所展开兼并围捕。举步维艰的情况下,细川提出多项整顿措施,其中包括废除年维护费高达三亿日元的公司棒球部。曾缔造过辉煌的青岛棒球部现如今成为一支常败球队,虽有青岛会长(山崎努 饰)聘来实力派教练大道雅臣,但仍难以使球队轻易摆脱被废除的命运。万丈波澜,这是一个为了理想和命运全力奔波的男儿物语……   本片根据池户润的原作改编。
