
又名:Tokyo Bandwagon / Tokyo Band Wagon - Shitamachi Daikazoku Monogatari

主演:龟梨和也 多部未华子 美村里江 金子统昭 平爱梨 尾泽露娜 君野梦真 加贺麻理子 片桐入 柳原晴郎 光石研 平泉成 玉置浩二 大地真央 

导演:狩山俊辅 / 菅原伸太郎 / 编剧:大森美香 Mika Ohmori/小路幸也(原作)



Plot Summary:The somewhat peculiar Hotta family runs Tokyo Bandwagon, a secondhand bookstore and cafe in the old part of Tokyo. They are a big four-generation family that is rare these days. The Hottas live by rather unusual family rules, and solve strange incidents that arise in the old town. 26-year-old Ao is the family's second son, and a freelance tour guide. Although he is the child of his father's mistress, he has been raised as the second son without prejudice. Ao is an irresistible playboy to females due to the gap between his frivolous behavior and occasional melancholic expressions, but then he encounters university student Makino Suzumi and falls deeply in love with her.
位于东京下町某个不起眼的角落,坐落着一家名为“东京风潮”的店铺。这是一家传承了数代的旧书店+咖啡店,店主人堀川家四代人同住一个屋檐下,快乐与烦恼相续而行。堪一老伯(平泉成 饰)固执保守,儿子我南人(玉置浩二 饰)却是早年热衷摇滚乐的浪荡儿。我南人有三个孩子,长子阿绀(金 子统昭 饰)与妻子亚美(平爱梨 饰)共同打理店中的一切;女儿蓝子(小暮里江 饰)带着女儿回娘家帮忙;身为导游的次子阿青(龟梨和也 饰)早年是个不良少年,与我南人的关系形同水火。堀川家的共同特点就是爱管闲事,而造物也似乎安排了各种各样的事件交给他们,让这间古旧的书店充满了无限的温暖与乐趣……   本片根据小路幸也的原作改编。
