
又名:Love and Life in the White

主演:中居正广 竹内结子 上川隆也 

导演:吉田健 / 平野俊一 / 福澤克雄 / 金子文紀 / 编剧:Yukari Tatsui





Plot Summary:Nobuko Shimura is on duty for the first time at Gyoda Hospital. The duty doctor is Yosuke Naoe. After 9PM Jiro Toda, a childhood friend of Nobuko' s, is brought in with a cut to his forehead from a fight. But Naoe has gone out for a drink, and can' t be found. Both Toda and the ambulance crew become angry and demand to know where the doctor is. Naoe returns and seeing the commotion, he orders Toda be locked in a toilet until he calms down. Nobuko is horrified by Naoe' s attitude but is later impressed with his ability as a surgeon when treating Toda' s injury. This is their first fateful meeting.
志村伦子(竹内结子 饰)是一名护士,某日,她进入了有名的行田病院工作,这里的一切都令初来乍到的伦子感到新奇,尤其是那位名叫直江庸介(中居正广 饰)的医生,他不仅对病人十分冷淡,还在理应当班的夜里跑到酒店去“偷懒”,然而,伦比不得不承认的是,庸介高明的医术和临危不乱的良好心理素质是自己望尘莫及的。   随着时间的推移,伦子逐渐改变了对于庸介的偏见,在他冷漠的外表之下,伦子发现了一颗柔软的内心,渐渐的,伦子竟然喜欢上了这个奇怪的男人。庸介隐藏着一个不为人知的秘密——他患上了一种无法治愈的疾病,起初,他准备将这一情况隐瞒起来,默默的死去,但他遇见了伦子,伦子灿烂的笑容改变了他的命运。
