
主演:铃木保奈美 三上博史 樱井幸子 丰川悦司 

导演:中江功 / 林彻 / 编剧:野岛伸司 Shinji Nojima





Plot Summary:Maria is in need of money for her sister, Nana's eyes operation. Because her day-time job doesn't pay enough, she works at night at a cabaret. When Maria and Nana were younger, Maria burned down the home, causing her sister's blindness and killing their father. Shiro is a famous concert pianist. However, he isn't happy with his marriage or life in general. Maria and Shiro are united through a traffic accident, causing Shiro to be hospitalized. Faking amnesia and his identity, he stays at Maria's place and eventually starts to work at the cabaret as a piano player. As you will find out later on, life was not meant for Maria and Shiro to find one another.
玛利亚(铃木保奈美 饰)的妹妹娜娜(樱井幸子 饰)患有眼疾双目失明,为了帮妹妹筹得治眼睛的医疗费,白天在邮局上班的玛利亚不得不在下班之后前往夜总会打工。一次偶然中,玛利亚成为了一场车祸的唯一目击者,在车祸中受伤的男子名叫高村(三上博史 饰),头部的撞击使他失去了记忆,善良的玛利亚让高村住进了自己家中。   一天,娜娜在街上遇到了强盗三岛,三岛以为娜娜看到了自己的样貌,决定杀他灭口,却意外发现了娜娜的眼疾,爱怜之心顿生。那边厢,玛利亚在夜总会邂逅了财阀少爷宇一(丰川悦司 饰),后者对玛利亚展开了热烈的攻势。
