
又名:欺诈游戏 / 说谎者的游戏 / Liar Game

主演:户田惠梨香 松田翔太 吉濑美智子 渡边一计 北村总一朗 

导演:松山博昭 / 大木绫子 / 编剧:古家和尚 Kazunao Furuya


日期 资源名称
2020-05-22 诈欺游戏.liar.game.s01e1.chi_jap.hdtvrip.1280x720.mp4
日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【480p标清中文字幕】诈欺游戏迅雷下载.2007.2.72gb.torrent
2019-05-11 欺诈游戏 1
2019-05-10 [SUBPIG][2007春季日剧][詐欺遊戲(LIAR GAME) 全11集 + OST 修正版]
2019-05-10 Liar Game - Season 2



Plot Summary:Trusting, gullible Nao suddenly finds herself participating in the mysterious Liar Game, a game where the players are issued large sums of money which they then have to cheat each other out of. A few get rich, while the rest find themselves in debt for life. Nao's opponent is her former teacher. Relieved, she goes to him for advice, but is tricked into giving him all her money. With no idea of how to retrieve the money to avoid debt, Nao is desperate. When she gets a tip that a genius swindler, Shinichi Akiyama, is about to be released from prison, she turns to him for help. With some initial reluctance, Akiyama agrees to be her right-hand man in the game. As the two get pulled deeper into increasingly difficult levels of the game, it gradually becomes clear that their participation was far from coincidental.
神崎直(戸田恵梨香饰)是个单纯天真的女大学生,某天无意收到了一个包裹,好奇打开后却发现自己竟因此被卷入了一个名为“Liar Game”的诈欺游戏,要求欺骗对手来获得奖金。第一回合,在对手的花言巧语下,轻信的小直将手中的钱尽数交出,之后才发现上了大当。   根据游戏规则,输了的小直将背负高达一亿日元的巨额债务。无奈之下,她找到天才诈欺师秋山深一(松田翔太饰)帮助自己追回钱款。秋山被小直的纯真和善良打动,答应参加游戏并找出幕后指使人。随着第二、三、四会合的进行,比赛愈来愈残酷、激烈,两人逐渐被卷入游戏的深渊,而真相也渐渐浮出水面……
