Plot Summary:Shuji, a confident young hairdresser working in Tokyo, has an accidental run-in with Kyoko, a wheelchair-bound and somewhat mousy librarian. When Shuji asks Kyoko to be his makeover model, she is skeptical, but agrees to give it a try. The two gradually start to grow closer to each other, and eventually fall in love. Things seem to be going well for the couple until Kyoko's illness starts growing more severe. Will she recover, or will this young romance end in tragedy?
冲岛佟二(木村拓哉 饰)是人气美发店HOT LIP的造型师,才华横溢却因个性不受欢迎,且被同期入店又擅于讨客人及店长欢心的川村悟视为竞争对手。佟二到图书馆借阅美发资料,邂逅在馆内工作的美丽女孩町田杏子(常盘贵子 饰)。杏子是必须依靠轮椅生活的残疾人士,虽然外表开朗乐观,身理缺陷依然令她怯于享受正常恋爱。佟二力邀杏子担任自己的发模,数次接触中两人由误解到相互吸引,关系逐渐变得密切。尽管这段外在条件不平等的恋情受到世俗偏见与旁人的阻挠,杏子病情的恶化也增加了未来的不确定性,但两人始终怀抱着美好的信念,为共同创造美丽的人生努力着…… 本剧曾创下最终话41.3%的近30年日剧单集最高收视纪录,并包揽第二十四回日剧学院赏最优秀作品赏、主演男/女优赏、助演男/女优赏、监督赏、脚本赏等11项大奖。