水星领航员 第3季ARIA The ORIGINATION(2008)

又名:水星领航员 第三季

主演:叶月绘理乃 斋藤千和 广桥凉 西村千奈美 水桥香织 大原沙耶香 川上伦子 渡边明乃 皆川纯子 上田祐司 松尾佳子 野岛裕史 足立友 水岛大宙 白石凉子 杉山佳寿子 早水理沙 石冢运升 桑岛法子 阿澄佳奈 川岛得爱 木村遥 Aya Sawano 菊池心 小林由美子 牧口真幸 间岛淳司 矶边万沙子 清川元梦 藤村步 

导演:佐藤顺一 / 编剧:吉田玲子 Reiko Yoshida/藤咲あゆな/浦畑达彦 Tatsuhiko Urahata

水星领航员 第3季:在线播放

水星领航员 第3季:最新迅雷BT资源

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水星领航员 第3季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In Neo Venezia, Akari, Aika, and Alice work diligently toward becoming Prima Undine (pro tour guide gondolier). The girls have come far since they began their training, and are forming their own distinctive styles..The girls rely on the advice of their seniors, will the girls be able to blend the advice from their mentors with their acquired knowledge to become praiseworthy Prima Undines?
