浪客剑心るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚-(1996)

又名:Ruroni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan

主演:凉风真世 藤谷美纪 上田祐司 岩男润子 富永美伊奈 池田政典 日高法子 安原义人 土井美加 铃置洋孝 池田秀一 佐佐木望 

导演:古桥一浩 / 谷田部胜义 / 千明孝一 / 青木康直 / 则座诚 / 上田茂 / 下司泰弘 / 菱川直树 / 松见真一 / 小林孝志 / 高本宣弘 / 吉田俊司 / 村山靖 / 腰繁男 / 福多润 / 守冈博 / 横山广行 / 清水明 / 编剧:和月伸宏 Nobuhiro Watsuki/岛田满/菅良幸 Yoshiyuki Suga/岸间信明 Nobuaki Kishima/横手美智子 Michiko Yokote/面出明美/十川诚志 Masashi Sogo



日期 资源名称
2021-08-27 【480p标清中文字幕】浪客剑心迅雷下载.1996.10.32gb.torrent
2019-05-12 Rurouni Kenshin - Wandering Samurai DVD 4
2019-05-12 Rurouni Kenshin - Wandering Samurai DVD 2
2019-05-10 浪客剑心MKV



Plot Summary:A man slayer, Kenshin Himura, who played a major role in defeating Tokugawa Shogunate of feudal Japan carries his reverse blade sword (with a promise not to slay anymore). He embarks on a quest to repent for his sins by helping the innocent. He lodges in Kamia Kashin dojo where he becomes an acquaintance of Kaorou, the assistant instructor of the dojo. After being saved by Kenshin from mafia, a stubborn young boy, Yahiko Myojin joins the dojo as a student. Sanousuke, a victim of war becomes an acquaintance of Kenshin after losing to him in a duel. Together with his new friends, Kenshin carries out his ideal of helping the innocent. A series of events unfold that questions his ideal of living for the innocent and not slaying men. Kenshin faces every opponent with his reverse blade to uphold justice.
明治维新时期,敌我双方为了各自的理想和目标而奋勇厮杀。在此期间,名人志士不断涌现:大久保利通、木户孝允、坂本龙马、冲田总司。维新一派为了推动新时代的到来,不惜采取暗杀的手段,而绯村剑心正是众多刺客的中的一员。孤儿出身的绯村师从比古清十郎学习飞天御剑流剑法,年轻气盛的下山参战,在奇兵队中崭露头角。凭借一身的本领,绯村最终成为令幕府一派闻风丧胆的刽子手拔刀斋,同时他也和宿敌壬生狼斋藤一有过无数次对决。   明治政府建立后,绯村收起屠刀,成为一名腰挂逆刃刀的浪人。在流浪途中,他结识了神谷道场的继承人阿薰、东京府士族后代明神弥彦以及原赤报队成员相乐左之助。在一次次的战斗中,他们的友情不断加深,绯村那颗满是血污的心灵也慢慢得到净化……   本片根据同名漫画改编。
