
又名:爆漫王。 / 爆漫。 / BAKUMAN

主演:阿部敦 日野聪 早见沙织 矢作纱友里 冈本信彦 藤村步 滨田贤二 堀内贤雄 

导演:秋田谷典昭 / 笠井贤一 / 桥本裕之 / 则座诚 / 广川和之 / 福本洁 / 佐藤光敏 / 高桥健司 / 城所圣明 / 吉村文宏 / 丸山由太 / 佐藤光 / 编剧:吉田玲子 Reiko Yoshida/绫奈由仁子 Yuniko Ayana/上代务/水上清资 Seishi Minakami


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 [Hi10] Bakuman S1 S2 S3 (720p)



Plot Summary:Moritaka Mashiro, a junior high school student, content to live out a relatively normal life as any other does, is persuaded by his classmate, Akito Takagi, to become an aspiring mangaka when the latter realizes his natural talent as an artist. However, Moritaka is reluctant to pursue his dream as his uncle, once a mangaka with his own serializations, died from overwork trying to regain his lost status. With Akito's help, Takagi gets another classmate and his school crush, Azuki Miho, who is an aspiring voice actress, to voice in the anime adaptation of their future manga once it is completed. However, Mashiro also proposes to Azuki, who surprisingly accepts only on the condition she will marry him when both of them have achieved their dreams. With a goal set before him, Mashiro begins a long and struggling path to become a famous mangaka.
真城最高(阿部敦 配音)是一个在绘画方面极有天赋的少年,年纪虽小却已经获得了大臣的认可和赏识。可是,从事漫画行业的叔叔之死让他放弃了创作漫画的梦想,封闭起心灵,过起了得过且过的放浪生活,直到好友高木秋人(日野聪 配音)出现在了他的面前。   秋人的梦想是成为一名漫画家,可是,在文学创作上独树一帜他却对漫画一窍不通,在得知了高城的过去后,他向高城发出了邀请:“我写剧本,你创作,让我们成为漫画家吧!”虽然高城心里有千百个不情愿,无奈自己暗恋同班同学亚豆美保(早见沙织 配音)的把柄抓在秋人手上,就这样,两人踏上了成为漫画家的修罗之路,而高城对漫画的热爱也慢慢的被重新点燃了。
