
又名:Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei / 再见!绝望老师

主演:神谷浩史 野中蓝 井上麻里奈 真田麻美 后藤邑子 新谷良子 松来未祐 上田耀司 水岛大宙 矢岛晶子 小林优 泽城美雪 斋藤千和 中村悠一 

导演:新房昭之 / 龙轮直征 / 宫本幸裕 / 板村智幸 / 森义博 / 镰田祐辅 / 编剧:金卷兼一





Plot Summary:Nozomu Itoshiki is a high school teacher who always looks on the negative side of life, constantly left in despair from the troublesome issues society presents. He constantly tries to kill himself to free himself from this cruel world, but is unable to do so because of his class of students, many of whom are more bizarre than he is. There is Chiru who needs to organize everything perfectly, the mute but abusive Meru, Matoi who loves stalking people, and a host of other cute but crazy students the most frightening of which is the optimistic but oblivious Kafuka, whose enthusiasm is over-the-top and lethal to anyone she meets. With all the antics his students carry on, can Nozomu ever manage to find something good in life?
樱花飞舞的春天,前往学校途中的少女风浦可符香,发现在樱花树上吊的男子。匆忙之下将男子救下的她,却得到了“真死了怎么办?!”的奇怪质问。面对这名超消极男子,乐观的可符香提出了“上吊的人只是想增高”的无厘头解释,并以“桃色部长”的花名称呼这名男子。   离开男子的风浦可符香来到教室,却发现刚刚见面的男子,正是学校来的新教师——糸色望。因汉字合起来是“绝望”而被学生称为“绝望老师”的望、口头禅是“绝望了!对xx的世界绝望了”。他与2年へ班32名学生的爆笑校园生活就此开始。
