

主演:黄海波 童蕾 博隆 李丽虹 田小洁 张晞临 任正斌 

导演:刘江 / 编剧:俞智先 Zhixian Yu



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [战争剧][乱世三义][40集全][DVD]
2019-05-11 [战争剧][乱世三义][40集全][TV]
2019-05-11 乱世三义[高清]



Plot Summary:In the late Qing Dynasty, Tang Ziyi, Gu Renyi, and Suo Zhiyi are sworn brothers. They are bandits at first and then become righteous men who eliminate the rich bullies in the eastern Liaoning Province. At the beginning of the Republic of China, they join the Northeast Army, and begin to fight against Japanese who invade China's territory and oppress Chinese people. Although China is feeble at that time, Chinese soldiers are brave and powerful. They successfully defeat Japanese many times. After the \"September 18th Incident\", thousands of Northeast Army soldiers enter Shanhaiguan. The three men lead their forces to the mountains and begin guerrilla warfare with Japanese force. This story is all about ups and downs. The relationships between those characters are complicated and intertwined. Besides, the patriotic spirit demonstrated in this drama is very touching. How will the three brothers choose between brotherhood and love affairs? How will they choose between personal interests and national interests?
故事发生在清朝末年,关外辽河的苍莽林间,索智义(田小洁 饰)、谷仁义(张晞临 饰)和唐子义(黄海波 饰)三个出身贫苦的汉子将名字刻在树干上,他们三个头磕在一起,结拜成不离不弃的生死兄弟。唐子义为了五百两的赏银试图捉住名震辽河的巨匪杜三枪,结果反被对方绑架。唐和深爱的富家小姐叶玉珊(童蕾 饰)逃亡中遭到暗算,负伤逃跑的他最终得到刘素雅(陈丽娜 饰)父女的照顾。而大哥索智义为保住玉珊的名节与之假结婚,并毅然抚养子义的儿子。谷仁义为出人头地投靠奸猾巨佞,索智义远赴东洋求学,他与玉珊的夫妻情分则由假成真。一度落草为寇的唐子义,在时代的浪潮推动下和两个结拜哥哥投身东北军。而随着抗日战争的爆发,他们则各自走上不同的人生之路……
