
又名:熊出没之重返丛林 / 熊出没第三部 / 熊出没3 / Boonie Bears: Forest Frenzy


导演:丁亮 / 编剧:徐芸 Yun Xu/江波 Bo Jiang/叶天龙 Tianlong Ye/林汇达 Huida Lin



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 熊出没之丛林总动员



Plot Summary:Boonie Bears: Forest Frenzy is stuffed to the brim with more of the freewheeling escapades that catapulted Boonie Bears and Boonie Bears or Bust to smash-hit status in Asia and beyond! Boonie Bears: Forest Frenzy Having had a taste of carnival life in town, the Bear Brothers return to the forest to start anew. But aside from the joy of meeting old friends, the bears must again cope with the dull-but-driven Logger Vick! That shiny-pated villain is determined to crush their renewed efforts to protect the forest they love. If he can dispatch the Bear Brothers, Vick will realize his evil dream of riches through total destruction of the forest. Fortunately the Brothers and their friends have a forest full of surprises in store for him! Boonie Bears: Forest Frenzy features Briar and Bramble Bear doing what they do best: creating non-stop laughs for kids around the world!
熊出没之丛林总动员是TV动画《熊出没》第三部,又译《熊出没之重返丛林》、《熊出没3》,动画片熊出没之丛林总动员讲述的是熊大熊二周游世界后重新回到丛林,再次见到丛林的朋友们。   熊大是熊兄弟的主心骨,聪明机智,善于随机应变;熊二性格憨直,做事冲动,但力大无穷。两熊最大的敌人光头强,是个身材矮小,盗砍盗伐的伐木工。   光头强追着两熊也来到丛林,再次成为伐木工,在已经规划为自然保护区的丛林里盗砍盗伐树木。为了阻止光头强破坏森林,以熊大熊二为首的丛林动物们和光头强再次展开一幕幕搞笑的较量。
