同班同学To Heart(1999)

又名:回忆永恒 / 心之彼端 / 暗恋 / トゥハート / ToHeart

主演:川澄绫子 一条和矢 樋口智惠子 岩男润子 久川绫 冰上恭子 堀江由衣 笠原留美 饭冢雅弓 园崎未惠 根谷美智子 大谷育江 今井由香 保志总一朗 

导演:高桥直人 / 村田和也 / 和田高明 / 木宫茂 / 编剧:山口宏 Hiroshi Yamaguchi





Plot Summary:Adapted from a dating sim game of the same name. Fujita Hiroyuki is an always sleepy and difficult to motivate high school boy, but he has a kind heart, and the gift to make friends with girls easily, like his good childhood friend Kamigishi Akari who has always looked out for him. They hang out with the calm Satou Masashi and the hyperactive Nagaoka Shiho from the parallel class, navigating the challenges of school and daily life - such as seating placement in class, clean-up duty, or going for karaoke. With both of them are in the same class in high school, their love towards each other begin to accumulate, slowly but day by day. However there are many cute girls around.
从幼儿园起,藤田浩之(一条和矢 配音)和神岸明(川澄绫子 配音)就是青梅竹马的好朋友。浩之的性格有些懒散,但在内心里十分的善良;明天真无邪,有着邻家女孩的甜美与可爱,这样的两个人是他人眼中天设地造的一对,他们更是早已结下了永远都要在一起的海誓山盟。作为两人共同的朋友,长冈志保(樋口智惠子 配音)和佐藤雅史(保志总一朗 配音)对这二人之间的感情充满了真诚的祝福。   崭新的高中生活展现在了四人的眼前,可是,一些小小的阴霾打破了原有的平静生活。志保发现,自己无论如何也移不开投射在浩之身上的目光,志保无可救药的喜欢上了浩之。为了维持难得的友谊,志保决定将心意藏在心底,但随着爱意的不断加深,三人之间的关系第一次被推到了风口浪尖。
