住院的病人"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" The Resident Patient(1985)


主演:Jeremy Brett David Burke Nicholas Clay 

导演:David Carson / 编剧:阿瑟·柯南·道尔 Arthur Conan Doyle/约翰·霍克斯沃斯 John Hawkesworth





Plot Summary:Dr. Percy Trevelyan seeks Sherlock Holmes' assistance in deciphering his benefactor's recent odd behavior. Trevelyan recounts that some years before, Mr. Blessington plucked him out of an obscure and virtually non-existent practice and offered to set him up at a prestigious address. In return for this investment, Blessington would receive a percentage of his income and would provide him with free medical care. For quite some time now the arrangement has worked well for both parties and Blessington has profited from the arrangement. Recently however, Blessington has been acting very strangely. Having read of a burglary in a nearby home, Blessington was overwrought and had bars installed on all the windows. Holmes is intrigued by the case but subsequent events soon have him investigating a murder.
在布莱星顿先生的支助下,年轻医生特里维廉得以挂牌行医,与此同时,自称心脏衰弱的布莱星顿先生也以合伙人及住院病人的双重身份住进了诊所的二楼。   几年后的某一天,一对俄罗斯父子前来就诊,而后神秘消失。随后不久,年轻医生惊骇地发现:布莱星顿在卧室里上吊身亡!闻讯赶来的警察迅速认定:是自杀。而福尔摩斯却从卧室里的几个烟头身上发现了骇人的真相......
