
又名:发达秘笈 / How To Be A Millionaire... Without Really Trying


主演:李美凤 郑文雅 杨宝玲 黄百鸣 黄秋生 

导演:高志森 / 黄百鸣 / 编剧:高志森 Clifton Ko/黄百鸣 Raymond Wong




日期 资源名称
2022-07-13 发达秘笈 发财秘笈 (1989) DVDRip.CHS


Plot Summary:Wong is a junior clerk in a construction company. He lives under the care of his uncle and his cousin, Ping. But the woman who occupies Wong's attention is Jenny, the widowed wife of the son of his boss. One day, a Billionaire leaves Wong with the secret to become rich. Things seem to go smoothly with him. He is promoted twice, and now as the Assistant Manager. The boss even consents to his marriage with Jenny. The newly-wed couple goes on a honeymoon trip in Switzerland. He dashes into a tree and knocks himself into a coma in which he sees the Billionaire reveals him and complains to him the dreadful life in the world of the dead. When he returns to Hong Kong, Wong decides to break up with Jenny and seeks forgiveness in front of his ancestors. In the end he returns to Ping's side and lives a meaningful life hereafter.
黄尚(黄百鸣 饰)是一个其貌不扬的小小上班族,来到了车水马龙人头攒动的香港,心里满怀希望的他决定要在此干出一番大事业。在香港,黄尚结识了三位各具风情的美女——个性温柔贤良淑德的亚萍(杨宝玲 饰)、风情万种热情奔放的露露(李美凤 饰)和高贵冷艳霸气外露的珍妮(郑文雅 饰) ,每一个人都让黄尚心动不已。   一次偶然中,黄尚捡到了一本《发财秘笈》,半信半疑的他按照书中所写待人处事,果然没过多久便升官发财。发达之后的黄尚先是得到了露露的芳心,之后又利用手段逼迫珍妮同自己结婚,一番折腾之后,一场超现实的奇遇却让黄尚开始思考,这样的生活真的是自己想要的吗?
