
又名:A Woman and Seven Husbands


主演:陆小芬 斯琴高娃 张国柱 

导演:唐基明 / 编剧:唐基明 Terry Tong/陈文贵 Wengui Chen





Plot Summary:A widow by the name of Lee Jiu Jin, willingly sold herself to a farway outskirts village without knowing that she is to be shared by 7 men, so as to raise the money for her son's wedding. As these villagers are extremely poor, the men could not afford to keep a wife. This kind of transaction was common in China for women to be sold as brides, but the Government intend to put a stop to such practices by enforcing laws which results in the exile of lawbreakers. Bearing this in mind, Lee and her 7 husbands lived in constant fear of being caught and as for Lee the sufferings and hardships were more than she could bear. As the time passes, Lee grew to understand all 7 men's background, and her hatred for them turn into pity. This relationship at last ended in tragedy.
这是发生在中国大陆福建南平的一个真实故事。   农村妇女李九斤为了结婚的聘金,自愿被贩卖到偏远的云雾山区。而买她的男人竟然有七个之多,原因是他们生活贫穷,哪里有钱讨老婆。   李九斤随着年轻力壮的牛车,翻山越岭到了山区,没想到嫁给七个丈夫,在艰苦的生活中,与七个男人周旋,受尽伤痛,虽然几次想逃走,但都被折回。李九斤渐渐了解了七个男人的身世,以及他们辛酸的往事,她由憎恨、恐惧转而同情他们的遭遇。 贩卖妇女,是大陆常见的一种交易活动,但地方政府仍然会加以取缔,甚至还要被判刑。李九斤同七个男人生活在一起,日夜都是提心吊胆,加上还有随时被送到边疆劳改的恐惧,真是苦不堪言,甚至不惜冒生命危险,大家去围捕老虎,以图博得共干的欢心。   最后,李九斤和她的丈夫们终于以悲剧结束了这段婚姻。
