
又名:连环杀戮 / Bloody Friday / 冰血


主演:任达华 李丽珍 蔡少芬 关宝慧 徐锦江 欧锦棠 

导演:高林豹 / 



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 连环杀戮.国粤中英字[xiepp.cc][MFL].mkv
2019-05-11 Friday Killer VCD no sub [Thai movie]



Plot Summary:In Hong Kong, someone is murdering call girls every Friday night. Supercop Ko goes into action but engenders the enmity of Ken, another cop, when the murderer kills Ken's girlfriend during a stakeout. Ko also must protect Maddie, a lively prostitute who survives one assault and whom the murderer has promised to kill. The murderer teases Ko with phone calls and letters, announcing victims ahead of time, and threatening Ko's wife and daughter. This may be too much for the marriage to endure and a separation looks likely. In fatigue and desperation, Ko takes up with Maddie. Can Ko protect his family, save Maddie, catch the killer, and avoid internal police strife?
香港发生连串凶杀案, 死者均为夜之女, 杀人手法极之凶残, 凶手行凶时是驾驶电单车, 手持硬物, 将死者玩弄至根疲力尽时才下手杀人. 因案发时均为星期五晚上, 故被传媒称为(星期五杀手). 卓雄授命办理此案, 在杀手出没的地方布下天罗地网, 以五十名美艳女警为饵, 在高处安排了狙击手, 在街上满布便衣探员, 交通部更出动了三十部普通电单车, 以作追截杀手之用. 可惜行动最后失败, 健之CID女友萍更被杀手刹害, 虽然卓雄亦驾驶电单车力追, 更与杀手大打一场, 最于被杀手逃走. 自此之后, 同事们都认定卓雄是一名无人性的警察, 健更因此与卓雄结下不解仇怨…….
