越南的玫瑰 露露Lulu(1996)



主演:Kim Lieu 克拉克·约翰森 Michael Rhoades 曼努埃尔·阿朗吉斯 彼得·布瑞克 萨伊德·杰弗瑞 Nghi Do Phuong Dan Nguten Richard Chevolleau Kay Tremblay Jack Jessop Dick Callahan Paul Persofsky Christofer Williamson Tony Meyler 

导演:Srinivas Krishna / 编剧:Robert Armstrong/Srinivas Krishna

越南的玫瑰 露露:在线播放

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越南的玫瑰 露露:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Lulu, a Vietnamese mail-order bride, has been bought and sold, but she can not be owned. Mysterious and exotic, she presents an immaculate façade as she works behind a cosmetics counter in a department store. But, behind her flawless make-up, she conceals a terrible past and a troubled present. Frustrated by her traditional Vietnamese parents who blame her for their unhappiness, Lulu is also pursued by her seedy, ineffectual husband, Lucky, his opportunistic friend Clive, and a documentary filmmaker, Miguel. A chain of desire binds the three men together. Despite the intensity of their claims on her, Lulu eludes them all, disappearing into her mirror, her secret intact.
露露是一名可怜的越南藉 "邮购" 新娘,她活像一件货物供人买卖,可是没有人能拥有她。那神秘且洁净无瑕的露露在一百货公司当其化妆小姐;其实在她美丽的脸孔背后,有着恐怖的过去和麻烦的现在。她那封建的父母使露露过着一些不快乐的生活,好更周旋于几个男人之中,令她坎坷半生...
