
主演:今井由香 林原惠美 白鸟由里 

导演:下田正美 / 编剧:关岛真赖 Mayori Sekijima





Plot Summary:The male-only planet of Terra II is populated by clones of the six men who were marooned there 300 years before. The only females are robots called "marionettes," who serve as workers and soldiers. Japoness marionettes Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry are different from most others, because each possesses a special circuit that gives them human emotions. One by one, they are accidentally awakened by young Mamiya Otaru and take up residence with him. As a result, Otaru's uneventful life becomes just a tad more interesting. At the same time, conflict between Japoness and the city-state of Gartland is escalating. Is it because Faust, the leader of Gartland, lusts for world domination, or is it something else his heart longs for... something with a connection to Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry?
22世紀末因地球人口爆炸,故有許多航向宇宙準備開拓新的生存環境的太空船,其中一艘名為「美索不達米亞號」(メソポタミア号)的太空船於接近名為「堤拉茲」(テラツー)的星球時發生爆炸,毀滅前將載有六位男性人類的小艇拋出並降落於堤拉茲。因為沒有女性人類,經過這六人的努力,運用複製人的技術增加人口並建設都市,經過三百年堤拉茲星球已是一片繁榮,共有六個國家。雖然有複製人技術,但沒有辦法複製出人類女性,故以人類女性為外型,製作出以機械為底的人偶(マリオネット),以代替昔日人類女性從事家務,並且用以當作苦力幫忙背負貨物,甚至作為軍隊用以侵略或保衛領土,而人偶是沒有思考能力,僅具備簡單的基本指令動作。   居住在六個國家之一「日本城」(ジャポネス)的少年間宮小樽與三位具有「少女迴路」的機械人偶萊姆、櫻桃、紅莓之相遇,改變了堤拉茲星球的未來。
