Plot Summary:Based on the popular novel for young adults by Frank Sacks, this heart-warming drama concerns Billy Hastings, an 11-year-old boy whose life is shattered after his leg is permanently damaged by a drunk driver. Billy and his mother Julie move to a new town in hopes of escaping the bad memories of the accident. Not long after they arrive, they visit a threadbare circus, where they discover a neglected horse. Feeling sorry for the animal, they arrange to take it home, only to discover that the horse is pregnant. That's the least of their surprises, though; the horse shortly gives birth to a unicorn, which appears to have magical powers.
根据弗兰克·萨克斯畅销小说改编,讲述了一个发生在11岁男孩朱利·哈斯廷身上的温馨故事…… 一个腿有残疾的小男孩碰到了一匹独角兽,后来有人拍了照片吸引了很多人来看,然后小男孩决定带独角兽回到它的故乡,后来他们飞跃了一个大峡谷,到了个很美丽的地方,最后小男孩的腿被独角兽治好了。