The Fall(1999)


主演:László Borbély 安东尼·塞尔纳 Anita Deutsch 

导演:安德鲁·派丁顿 / 编剧:Mike Walker/Emma Frost

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The Fall:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In Budapest, the aspirant writer Adam Ellis from New York lives with the also American Lisa Warrington in an apartment that belongs to her chief József Kovács that Lisa worships. Kovács is a former communist and presently an entrepreneur hated by his compatriots. One day, a blonde is chased by two men in the subway and then on the streets; however she cuts the throat of one of them with a straight razor in a corridor in a building. Then she breaks in Adam's apartment to flee from the other man. She tries to seduce Adam and then she tells a strange story about her husband, her little daughter and Kovacs. Adam decides to help her but is the woman telling the truth?
