
又名:Conservatory Garden very deeply


主演:宋佳 尤勇智 贝倚妮 

导演:史蜀君 / 编剧:严明邦/史蜀君 Shujun Shi



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Burnt.Offerings.1976.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE[hotp



Plot Summary:Four strikingly different women undergo treatment at a comprehensive breast center presided over by the inimitable and searingly honest veteran surgeon Dr. Lauren Schnaper. She believes that fear, ignorance, and pink-ribbon culture are fueling an explosive rate of unnecessary mastectomies in America. Blending medical archival footage with extensive 'collateral damage' suffered by our four women - repeated loss of implants, blood infections caused by multiple surgical procedures, cosmetic nipple exchanges, reactions to cadaver's skin that is used to house breast implants - we learn that breast reconstruction post-mastectomy is no 'boob job.' As Dr. Schnaper advocates breast conservation and debunks breast cancer myths, so the myth of St. Agatha, the Sicilian martyred saint of the breast, offers a commentary on our own confused contemporary moment.
方丝萦(宋佳 饰)自美国深造归来,来到了茶业大亨柏沛文(尤勇 饰)家中,成为了柏沛文的女儿柏婷婷(贝倩妮 饰)的家庭教师。柏沛文的家里洋溢着十分诡异的气氛,曾经,柏沛文娶了茶厂女工章含烟(宋佳 饰),后者剩下了婷婷。之后,柏沛文因为怀疑妻子有外遇,导致章含烟一怒之下投河自尽。年轻气盛的柏沛文一把火烧掉了含烟山庄。   很快,柏沛文就对自己的所作所为后悔了,他屡屡回到早已经是一片废墟的含烟山庄,试图寻找爱妻的亡灵。虽然如今柏沛文双目失明,但他还是感觉到方丝萦有着和章含烟极为相似的气息,这让柏沛文现在的妻子欧爱琳(金梦 饰)在心中拉响了警钟。
