圣诞蛋糕La bûche(1999)

又名:Season's Beatings


主演:Sabine Azéma 艾曼纽·贝阿 夏洛特·甘斯布 

导演:Danièle Thompson / 编剧:Christopher Thompson/Danièle Thompson





Plot Summary:Christmas, family, and infidelity. Yvette's husband has died, and her grown daughters join her at the grave: Sonia, wealthy, bourgeois, and generous; Louba, living with their dad Stanislas, singing at a Russian restaurant, penniless, the mistress for the past 12 years of a man who will never leave his wife; Milla, the youngest, acerbic, lonesome. Christmas was when they learned their parents were divorcing 25 years ago. Over the next few days, yuletide depression, Louba's pregnancy, Sonia's crumbling marriage, Stanislas's overtures to Yvette, and Milla's attraction to the man who's her father's rent-free lodger lead each one to re-examine self, family, and hopes. Is renewal possible?
本片以一个中产家庭为故事核心,四姐妹回家重聚,一起度过一个温馨的圣诞节,面对各种家庭压力和精神困扰,四姐妹在继父去世,母亲无所依归时,撮合孤独生父和母亲复合,但各自有不同表述。   圣诞节即将来临的前一周,一场葬礼让构思完美的圣诞派对变得摇摇欲坠,甚至影响了三个姊妹的命运……,复杂多角的感情世界,让这一年的圣诞蛋糕尝起来真是百味杂陈!   导演本为法国最优秀的编剧,改行做导演后以犀利语锋为特色,对白幽默风趣、一针见血针砭时弊。影片有浓厚的法国小资人文情调,借用圣诞节平安团聚的温暖气氛,重新调整逐渐疏离的家庭关系,是一部法国特色的圣诞节合家欢电影。
