
又名:鬼之棲家 / 星光下的童话

主演:深田恭子 岡江久美子 生瀬勝久 中村愛美 陳慧琳 藤木直人 

导演:本間欧彦 / 木村達昭 / 高橋正秀 / 编剧:藤本有纪



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 鬼之栖家



Plot Summary:After a car accident kills her parents, Ayumi and her younger brother are adopted by their relatives, separately. Ayumi is forced to quit school and work in her aunt's husband's Inn. Ayumi's only friend in the inn is Lin who is an illegal foreign worker. When she runs into troubles, she has 3 guardian angels who takes turn to help her: her aunt, Lin, and Sasaoka Yuzuri, the son of a politician and who has a promising future. Yuzuri's interest in her, however, incurs the jealousy of her cousin and the wrath of her uncle who loves his own daughter Yuriko very much. In the meanwhile, she also has to find ways to bring her brother under her own protection, after she finds out that the Aomori family does not welcome him at all.
亚由美(深田恭子 饰)的父母在一场车祸之中不幸去世,亚由美成为了孤儿,由叔叔照顾。在叔叔的逼迫之下,亚由美不得不来到旅馆打工赚钱,在这里,年幼的亚由美处处遭到老板的压迫和欺负。幸运的是,来自中国的长工小李(陈慧琳 饰)一直在暗中帮助亚由美,两人成为了好友。   在旅馆中,亚由美邂逅了名为让的男人,两人很快就坠入了情网,然而这段门不当户不对的恋情遭到了老板的强烈反对,他粗暴的拆散的两人。在一场意外之中,让开枪打中了老板的女儿百合子的耳朵,导致后者左耳失聪,为了补偿这场意外带来的伤害,让不得不放弃亚由美,选择和百合子结婚。
