
又名:网路安琪儿 / Corrector Yui / コレクター・ユイ(第1期)

主演:大本真基子 利田優子 松山鹰志 杉野博臣 三石琴乃 麦人 進藤尚美 神谷浩史 永吉由佳 菊池志穗 西村朋纮 里内信夫 西松和彦 

导演:武藤裕治 / 编剧:隅沢克之 Katsuyuki Sumizawa





Plot Summary:Yui is an average schoolgirl who lives in a future where all computers are supported by a single global network known as COMNET. Yui is a computer-illiterate girl who after a computer-lab accident is approached by IR, a raccoon looking corrector computer program, which tells her she must save COMNET. She must stop the rogue A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) computer program known as Grosser and his hench-programs from taking over the world. Grosser was originally designed to be that manager of all of COMNET. At first she's very reluctant to play the heroine because of her complete lack of knowledge and ability with computers. To save COMNET she must find and gain the trust of the other seven wayward corrector programs. They must also find the creator of COMNET Professor Inukai, to help stop Grosser for good.
故事发生在信息技术科技已经极为发达的未来,彼时,人类对于电脑和人工智能的依赖已经达到了顶峰,可是这么说,人工智能虽然服务于人类,但同时也掌控着人类生活的方方面面。巨型主机古罗沙是电脑网络的主管,在自我进化之中因为嫉妒的情绪而产生了控制人类的思想,导致整个网络系统都受到了影响。为了限制古罗沙的行动,他的开发者犬养博士制造了八个守护星软件。   春日本是一名平凡的女孩,在机缘巧合之下结识了其中一个软件IR,在IR的引导之下,春日进入了虚拟的网络世界,成为了守护星阿结,她的任务是要将散落各处的守护星软件集结在一起。
