
又名:Happy Times


主演:董洁 赵本山 傅彪 李雪健 董立范 牛犇 张洪杰 孙红雷 陶虹 范伟 冷齐斌 

导演:张艺谋 / 编剧:莫言 Yan Mo/鬼子




日期 资源名称
2024-03-23 Happy.Times.2000.DVDRip.x265.10bit.AC3-highcal.srt


Plot Summary:Zhao is an aging bachelor who hasn't been lucky in love. Thinking he has finally met the woman of his dreams, Zhao leads her to believe he is wealthy and agrees to a wedding far beyond his means. Zhao's best friend Li hatches the idea to raise the money by refurbishing an abandoned bus, which they will rent out by the hour--the Happy Times Hotel--to young couples starved for privacy. Unfortunately, this plan goes awry because Zhao is too old fashioned to allow the couples to leave the bus door closed. Meanwhile, Zhao's fiancee introduces him to her spoiled son and beautiful blind stepdaughter Wu Ying, whom she sees as a burden. To be rid of the girl, she insists that Zhao take her to the Happy Times Hotel and give her a job. Zhao reluctantly agrees, then creates a series of deceptions to keep the girl occupied, including setting her up as a masseuse and enlisting his friends to pretend to be her customers. Everything that is happening between Zhao and Wu is superficially about trickery, but gradually a very real empathy grows between the young woman and the old man.
退休工人老赵(赵本山饰)相中了一个胖女人,令他尴尬的是,胖女人与他初次见面就提出要5万块钱作为婚礼的费用,老赵只能咬着牙答应了。徒弟小傅给他出了个主意,让他利用厂区后面的一个旧公共汽车车厢,使它成为那些恋爱男女约会的场所,并起名为“幸福时光小屋”。   一天老赵到胖女人家见到胖女人前夫留下的盲女孩(董洁饰),胖女人嫌弃她,要老赵将盲女孩安排在“幸福时光小屋”工作。事有不巧,当老赵带盲女“上班”时,旧车厢已被吊在空中。胖女人家已没盲女的容身之地,老赵只好带盲女回家。为帮盲女恢复生活的信心,老赵和众工友将这个啼笑皆非却又感人的骗局小心翼翼地继续下去,一班退休同事假扮成前来按摩的顾客……
