Plot Summary:This documentary is about director Tang's Tao (Lanyu tribesman) friend, Mamuno. Through Mamuno's experience of returning to his origin and Tang's examining of his own life, the film shows how the two people interact and their brotherly caring for each other. Tang and Mamuno, coming from different backgrounds, share the same passion towards the ocean. We see what Mamuno went through a part of his life as a Tao, and Tang's intent of finding the origin of his own life. The inseparable relationship between man and nature is also observed.
马目诺是沿海某个岛的住民。马目诺的意思就是“平和,安静”。当台风来的时候,人们就会大喊着:“马目诺,马目诺!” 可是,马目诺的生活并不是这样。 马目诺少年时离家,到台湾工作。身在异乡,很快他就沾染上了酗酒打架的恶习。30岁,马目诺中风,半身瘫痪。他回到家乡,信奉了天主教。每天,他都和自己做抗争,坚持每天锻炼。不幸的是,他再次中风了。 岛上的生活很简单,能不能的岛人们尊敬主要看能否自己盖房子,能不能帮别人盖房子。半身瘫痪的马目诺决定自己盖房子……