
又名:No More Applause


主演:丁嘉丽 方子哥 谢园 盖克 

导演:夏钢 / 编剧:孟朱 Zhu Meng





Plot Summary:No More Applause aka Wu Ren He Cai Synopsis Xiao Ke Ping is a flautist in a philharmonic orchestra, but it is popular music, not classical, that floods the music market. Xiao and her colleagues are often reduced to playing little-appreciated chamber music in hotel bars and cafés. Her Husband, Li Mian Ning, was once an advanced technology engineer. When he returns to Beijing be with Xiao, Li had to abandon his specialty and become a security guard in the Forbidden City. It is only when he is playing electronic games after work that Li's energy shows through. Life is getting drier and drier. After many career setbacks, Xiao becomes short-temper. Husband and wife quarrel repeatedly. Finally they divorce. Due to the lack of housing, Li and Xiao have to go on living, specially, in the same apartment. Later, each takes a \"new lover\" home, mostly to provoke the other. Han Li Ting, a woman in her thirties, tries to go out of her way to please Li because he has a room to live in. Qian Kang, an old classmate of Xiao who had been in a one-side love affair with her during their high school-days, now has given up teaching to make money as a businessman. He still loves Xiao as much as ever. Using jocular and humorous tone, \"No More Applause\" fallows these two coupes sorrows and joys.
笛手肖科平(盖克 饰)的丈夫李缅宁(谢园 饰)是北航高材生,毕业后去了西北搞飞机,为解决夫妻分居,肖托人把他调回北京给人看仓库,夫妻关系出现裂痕,不久分手。离婚后二人仍住在一个屋檐下,李缅宁整日沉迷在电脑游戏中,并在“情人角”带回当护士的韩丽婷(丁嘉莉 饰)。在一次为他人助兴演出中,肖遇见现今已是老板的中学同学钱康(方子哥 饰),钱对她表示多年来一直单恋着她,于是肖将自己的相好也带回家中。面对各自带回的新欢,俩人私下相互讥讽。在钱康为肖科平举行的记者招待会上,李缅宁成心捣乱出尽洋相。爱面子的钱康在一帮哥们的鼎力协助下,促成了肖科平的成功演出,但她却没有一点喜悦的感觉......
