复印店Copy Shop(2001)


主演:约翰内斯·西尔贝施奈德 Elisabeth Ebner-Haid 

导演:维吉尔·维德里希 / 编剧:Virgil Widrich




Plot Summary:Wordless story about a man who awakes in his bed wearing his clothes (including a check vest). He rises, washes his face, combs his hair, and heads for work across the street at a copy shop. He inadvertently makes a photocopy of his hand, and then the machine beings turning out copies of photographs of himself, the street outside, and his apartment. He unplugs the copier and heads home. He repeats the scene we saw earlier. Copies of himself emerge from bed; baffled, he watches them go to work. Soon, it seems, he's part of a society in which everyone looks like him and wears check vest. Can he get things back to normal?
阴郁的清晨,机械枯燥的一天再次开始,在复印店工作的阿尔弗莱德•凯格尔(Johannes Silberschneider 饰)起床、洗脸、梳头、上班,每天重复着同样的事情。这一天他偶然将手放在复印机上,手掌的图案被影印下来,接着出纸口源源不断送出凯格尔日常生活的画面。他惊恐万分,拔掉插头,下班回家。   第二天他如往常一样醒来,梳洗过后竟发现床上躺着另一个自己。他诧异万分,跟踪自己来到复印店,另一个他虽然最终消失,但随之而来竟是更大的混乱……   本片荣获2001年奥斯卡最佳短片奖提名。
