
又名:Warriors: The Black Panther / The Black Panther Warriors / Black Panther Rule


主演:邓光荣 林青霞 任达华 梁家辉 吴嘉丽 张卫健 

导演:霍耀良 / 编剧:曾瑾昌 Kan-Cheung Tsang



日期 资源名称
2020-05-09 黑豹天下dvd(粤).mkv
2019-05-12 Black Panther HK 1993 .gonetohkg.
2019-05-12 1993.黑豹天下.480P
2019-05-11 黑豹天下.国粤中字.MFL.mkv
2019-05-11 [Kung Fu] The Black Panther Warriors (1993) - DVD/
2019-05-11 [Kung Fu] The Black Panther Warriors (1993) - DVD/



Plot Summary:Black Cougar is a mercenary who is being paid a huge sum of money by an unknown person to recover a top secret file. Realising the enormity and complexity of the task, he enlists the help of a dummy-sucking computer hacker, a sex-maniacal weapons specialist, and a charismatic 'God of Gamblers' to help him out. When he gets double-crossed by the unknown person. He sets out to seek and destroy him, with the help of his friends. He is in for a shock when he finds out what is in the file, and who the unknown person is.
黑豹(邓光荣 饰)是业内闻名遐迩的大盗,凡是他想要得到的东西,没有弄不到手的。某日,政府官员黄先生(黄锦燊 饰)找到黑豹,委托他盗取一只银盒,为的是测试新装的保安系统的强度,黑豹欣然应允,并找来了嘉嘉(吴家丽 饰)、孟波辉(梁家辉 饰)、程仁(任达华 饰)和师妹青青(林青霞 饰)等人协助。   然而,当黑豹只身行动之时,却遭到了偷袭,对手是他曾经的师兄血狼(元华 饰),所幸青青出手相救,黑豹才得以脱身。原来,血狼正是杀死黑豹师傅的罪魁祸首,只为了得到镇门之宝“豹头刀”,而黑豹想要盗取的银盒内,存放的即是血狼杀人的证据。
