自由宕机时间Freedom Downtime(2001)



主演:Mark Abene Ed Cummings 爱麦虞埃尔·果尔德施坦因 

导演:爱麦虞埃尔·果尔德施坦因 / 



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Freedom Downtime
2019-05-11 Freedom Downtime (2001) DVDRip (Eng)-BlacKKnight.m
2019-05-11 Freedom Downtime[PSP]
2019-05-11 Freedom Downtime - The Kevin Mitnick Story - 2004
2019-05-11 Freedom.Downtime.2004(Extra footage version + Inte



Plot Summary:Computer hackers are being portrayed as the newest brand of terrorists. This is a story of a hacker named Kevin Mitnick, imprisoned without bail for nearly five years. Freedom Downtime tries to uncover the reasons why the authorities are so scared of Mitnick as well as define what exactly he did. Surprisingly, no real evidence is ever presented by the authorities to back up the sensationalist claims in mass media. But when a Hollywood studio decides to make a movie about Mitnick's life through the eyes of one of his accusers, hackers turn to activism to get their message out. Through interviews with relatives, friends, lawyers, and experts in the computer and civil liberties arena, a picture of a great injustice becomes apparent. A cross-country journey uncovers some realities of the hacker culture as well as the sobering fact that so many technically young adept people are being imprisoned.
电影人制作的黑客记录片。记录美国骇客凯文等人的历史背景说明,2600并製作「释放凯文」的纪录片电影。凯文在1995年因为入侵电脑系统被FBI逮捕,但是他被逮捕之后,却一直没有审判,而且屡次被拒绝交保,就这样被监禁了四年,因此2600发起「Free Kevin」的自救\动,要求联邦政府释放凯文,不仅因为法院延宕审判,更因为凯文入侵系统之举并未造成任何重大损害,联邦政府也承认凯文个人并未因入侵系统而得到任何私利。2600认为,骇客不应因为「好奇心」而判刑,何况联邦政府的电脑系统防备不周才会被入侵,但凯文破解系统之后并未複製任何联邦政府的档案资料。
