疯女胡安娜Juana la Loca(2001)

又名:Mad Love / 疯狂的爱 / 疯狂的胡安娜


主演:皮拉尔·洛佩斯·德·阿亚拉 达尼埃莱·利奥蒂 罗塞娜·派斯特 

导演:文森特·阿兰达 / 编剧:Antonio Larreta/Manuel Tamayo y Baus/文森特·阿兰达 Vicente Aranda




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 Juana.La.Loca.2001.DVBRip.XviD.cht.srt
2019-05-12 Juana.La.Loca.2001.DVBRip.XviD.cht.srt


Plot Summary:Juana is married off by her pious parents, the Catholic kings Ferndinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille, to ally Spain, united by their marriage, to the Burgundian and other Habsburg heritage of archduke Maximilian's son Philip. When they meet, it's love at first sight, for her all-consuming, for him one of many happy bed partnerships as she later discovers. Deaths in her family soon make Juana Isabella's heir, but Ferdinand suggests she inherited her grandmother's madness and supports Philip's ambition to rule instead, which becomes the stakes of political maneuvering in the Cortes (nobility-dominated parliament). Combined with Philip's incurable infidelity, which includes a Moorish whore-princess, multiple drama is inevitable, and worse follows.
胡安娜(碧拉尔·洛佩兹·德·阿亚拉 Pilar López de Ayala饰),西班牙卡斯迪里亚王朝的公主,费尔南多二世与伊莎贝尔一世的掌上明珠。菲利浦(丹尼埃尔·利奥蒂 Daniele Liotti饰),罗马帝国皇帝马克西米连一世之子。她美艳痴情,多愁善感;他风流倜傥,英俊多情。1496年,胡安娜远嫁弗兰德斯,与菲利浦王子成婚。两人很快就沉浸在深深的欲望与激情里,不可自拔。然而这场无情的政治婚姻,才只是这场悲剧的开始。   1504年,在年迈的母亲与兄长相继去世后,胡安娜成为西班牙女王。然而女王的压力以及丈夫的不忠使得胡安娜的精神每况愈下,陷入绝望的嫉妒与孤独的恐慌中。这个用尽一生爱着的男人,居然乘机操纵布尔格斯法庭裁定女王精神崩溃,并随即宣布自己成为新的西班牙国王。
