
又名:Go for Broke


主演:张宝忠 周玉华 钟陵均 顾龙祥 赵永生 王建新 

导演:王光利 / 编剧:张献 Xian Zhang





Plot Summary:The true story of a band of laid-off workers from state-owned companies who set out to risk their own fortunes in the private sector and then find out that success ain't what it used to be. After getting laid-off from a state-owned shipbuilder, a middle-aged worker uses all of his savings, borrows some money, and then convinces a group of friends who are in similar circumstances, to join him in an apartment decoration/construction business in Shanghai. After the initial difficulties of starting a business, they begin to show a profit. Then, disaster strikes when they are cheated out of all their money in a construction project scam. They are devastated, but there is nothing that they can do. The money and the thieves have all disappeared. After counting their losses, they borrow money from everyone they can find including loan sharks and start-up the company again from zero. Soon, their hard work pays off and once again they find themselves along the path to success.
原江南造船厂工人张宝忠下岗后自找出路,成立了一家金兴建筑五金公司。谁知开张不久被骗,损失几十万元。张宝忠和同伴们一面承接工程一面还债,终于使公司转危为安。   在上海风采福利彩票发行后,张宝忠为大家集体购买了10套彩票,结果入围一等奖。他们穿着统一的红西服去领奖,在现场张宝忠亲手摇出了40万元大奖。天上掉馅饼的事情真的发生了。   在不断庆祝宴席结束之后,这一次的幸运会改变他们的生活吗?而上海,这个中国自由和现代化的象征对于普通百姓究竟又意味着什么呢?
